
Unilode: digitisation and design developments

Unilode Aviation Solutions and SAS Cargo are set to further deepen their collaboration, with Unilode digitising SAS Cargo's container fleet.

This will commence in the second quarter of 2019. This agreement forms part of Unilode's digital transformation programme, which is based on BLE5 technology and a global reader infrastructure, and enables ULD tracking and the measurement of temperature, humidity, light and shock in air freight shipments, among other benefits.

This development is another major milestone in a long-standing collaboration, which started in 2011 with the conversion of SAS Cargo's ULD fleet to lightweight containers, and enables SAS Cargo to take the next step in fulfilling its digital ambitions.

Separately, Unilode Aviation Solutions, Safran and OnAsset Intelligence have announced the successful completion of their joint development project that has delivered a unique corner piece and attachment method for the digital enablement of aviation pallets, which is an essential element in Unilode's digital transformation programme for ULD management solutions.

The three parties started their collaboration less than a year ago to develop a design for a Bluetooth 5 digital tag, which can seamlessly be fitted into a pallet to prevent mishandling and stacking problems that may occur with bolt-on solutions positioned externally. Safran's engineering team designed a complementary corner piece solution to house the antenna of the tag in the pallet corner, with the rest of OnAsset's innovative digital device being entirely integrated inside the edge rail of the pallet. Once the prototyping phase was completed, the team consisting of Unilode, Safran and OnAsset Intelligence engineering and electronics experts conducted a lengthy testing process focusing on structural integrity, regulatory compliance, operational safety and electronics performance, which was completed successfully.

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