Photo credit: by oneinchpunch
Well, there was an incident where passengers disembarked from a domestic terminal after they landed instead of an international terminal.
It happened after a flight had to change parking stands as another flight ahead had not finished boarding.
The dispatcher was shaken by this last minute parking change, resulting in mistakenly directing the flight to a domestic terminal.
When police realised that they didn't have any control over any of the passengers, everybody had already left the airport.
The handling company was later investigated and spoke to the dispatcher in charge of the disembarkation process. Despite the incident turning into an individual issue, all the other dispatchers and ground crews were informed about the importance to always use the correct arrival terminal.
Following the incident, a safety report was raised and the issue was reported to the local immigration authority.
It later came to light that the dispatcher was new and inexperienced.
She was reminded about the importance to always verify the arrival channel before starting the disembarkation process.
Sudden noise
On arrival a ground handler came up onto the aircraft and asked if any crew had heard a noise from the rear of the aircraft during flight.
When the crew answered “no” he stated that a load container had not been secured properly and had subsequently moved during the flight. No further details were provided.
There were no handling problems noticed by the pilot flying as a result of the shifting load during flight, but the potential consequences could have been a lot higher.
Bad PRM pax service
The person responsible for the assistance vehicle for some reason took passenger 2C to doors 4 for boarding, a colleague at the back of the aircraft tried to reason with him and insisted that he take them to doors 2 and for some reason he refused to.
This was reported to the turnaround manager after it had happened but is really not acceptable for the customer. The passenger had to fight his way against the traffic all the way through the cabin to get to his seat at 2C.
If you have an incident or safety tip please contact the Editor: