
The GSE Podcast: Industry leaders speak out on the future of GSE

From electrification to putting Porsche style into pushback design - hear industry leaders identify the key future GSE trends with a special episode of The GSE Podcast recorded live at the GHI Annual in Lisbon.

Click here to listen to the ‘Shaping the Future of GSE’ panel in full which was delivered by GHI in partnership with the GSE Podcast, created by Matt Weitzel, Regional Sales Manager at Xced.

Decision makers at Textron, TLD, Mallaghan, Advanced Charging Technologies, IAEMA and TUI Airline joined Max Gosney, GHI Chairman, on stage to share their outlook on key industry challenges. 

Topics under discussion included sustainable power sources, battery tech, hybrid vehicles, airport infrastructure, design and autonomous vehicles.

The panel featured Brad Compton, Global Sales Director, Textron GSE; Valentin Schmitt, Group Chief Executive Officer, TLD; Dieter Bruneel, Group Director of Ground Operations, TUI Airline; Jennifer Matasy, IAEMA Chair & Marketing Director; Mark Reppucci, Global Director of GSE Sales, Advanced Charging Technologies; Owen McKenna, Commercial Director ROW, Mallaghan.

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