
Exhibiting at GSE Expo Europe? Tell us about your innovations

Publish Date: GSE UK & Europe
Here at GHI we are excited about the upcoming GSE Expo Europe taking place at the FIL, Lisbon on 17-19 September 2024 and want to get as many of you involved as possible.

As part of GHI’s official preview of the Expo event in our August issue, we want to invite you to submit press releases on your proposed product launches/equipment exhibits and stand activities at the FIL, Lisbon on 17-19 September.

We will be publishing a round up of these items within the official show preview article. 

As the theme of the Expo is largely themed around sustainability, autonomous advances and safety boosting features then this would be a fantastic opportunity to showcase your latest product developments in these areas.

Simply email me with photos and information (word count between 200-250 words) regarding the products/activity/stand number for our consideration.

The deadline for content will be 31 July.

Thanks very much for supporting GSE Expo Europe and your support with the official show preview.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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