
Don’t miss out on record-breaking 8th Americas GHI Conference

Hurry, there are just over 6 weeks left to book your place for the 8th Americas GHI Conference at the Sheraton Centre, Toronto from 25-27 June 2024.

Please note: we are experiencing exceptional demand with nearly 400 people already registered.

Don’t miss out: book now to secure your priority appointments and ensure you are there when the Americas aviation community reunites for the first time in more than two years.

Our premium One-to-One Meetings service is open for bookings.

More than 84% of our 2023 attendees discovered new business lead and reported a typical travel saving equivalent to a payback of at least eleven times (x11) on the cost of their delegate fee by meeting attendees under one roof.

We look forward to welcoming you to Toronto.

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